What is artificial intelligence Getting to know the mechanism, types, benefits, and applications

Artificial intelligence

If you are interested in technology, industry, science, and even art, you must have heard the term artificial intelligence in recent years. In response to the question, what is artificial intelligence? In response, this field is considered a broad branch of computer science, which, in short, and simply, aims to produce intelligent systems capable of performing activities that require human intelligence. This activity can range from writing the same content you are reading to surgery or even simple compositions.

Artificial intelligence will play a more active role in our daily lives in the coming years. Therefore, getting to know its nature, types, benefits, and other related details can be attractive and even necessary. In this article, while reviewing this technology in general and introducing its aspects, we will review its different types and then express the applications, concepts, advantages, etc. Join us and get to know one of the most revolutionary technologies in the world today.

What is the nature of artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence, or AI for short, is the simulation of mental processes and human intelligence by machines and computers to repeat this process and its results without the need for humans.

اگرچه پایه های هوش مصنوعی در علم کامپیوتر قرار دارد، اما امروزه به عنوان یک علم بین رشته ای به آن نگاه می شود. حتی ردپای علوم انسانی و پزشکی در برخی از شاخه های مطالعاتی و کاربردی آن دیده می شود. با این حال، این علم بیش از آن چیزی که به نظر می رسد به زندگی روزمره ما نزدیک است. در خانه و کامپیوتر، رد هر کدام از ما در محصولات برندهایی مانند گوگل، اپل و آمازون دیده می شود. شما هر بار که با Siri در تلفن اپل خود و الکسا در سیستم خانه هوشمند آمازون خود تماس می گیرید از هوش مصنوعی استفاده می کنید.

Today, even when buying, the seller or manufacturer may claim to use AI in their product. Most of the time, they mean the presence of one aspect of this technology, such as machine learning, in product design.

What is the working mechanism of artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence, or AI for short, is the simulation of mental processes and human intelligence by machines and computers to repeat this process and its results without the need for humans.

Although the foundations of artificial intelligence are located in computer science, today, it is viewed as an interdisciplinary science. Even the traces of humanities and medicine can be seen in some of its studies and applied branches. However, this science is closer to our daily life than it may seem. In the home and computer, each of us traces can be seen in the products of brands such as Google, Apple, and Amazon. You use artificial intelligence every time you call Siri on your Apple phone and Alexa on your Amazon smart home system.

Today, even when buying, the seller or manufacturer may claim to use AI in their product. Most of the time, they mean the presence of one aspect of this technology, such as machine learning, in product design.

What is the working mechanism of artificial intelligence?
Regardless of the scientific definition, we should know what the mechanism of an artificial intelligence machine is. Simply put, the basis of the performance of these machines is based on mass data analysis and their modeling. They then provide the necessary decision or result based on the obtained model. For example, Google’s audio or video search is performed by analyzing language, color, elements, etc., so that the most relevant results corresponding to speech and content on the Internet are displayed to the audience. Google takes help from several artificial intelligence companies for this and its other features.

After decades of its introduction, artificial intelligence has been unable to ultimately free itself from human supervision and intervention. Although in some cases, such as video games, there is no need for human control, in most systems, human presence is necessary for better modeling and error correction.

An example of an artificial intelligence mechanism

To better understand how artificial intelligence works, imagine a chatbot. Today, we see these robots in abundance when entering various websites, especially store websites. While it is thought that someone is chatting with you, most of the time, this is not the case. This software includes many default messages sent to you at the right time and in response to a specific question or request from you as a user. A chatbot will know which answer to send against which words, letters, and sentences.

What is artificial intelligence programming?

The implementation of any artificial intelligence technology requires programming in this language. AI programming consists of the following three main parts:

  • Learning; In this section, the rules and operation of an AI system are included in the form of its algorithms, and the entire system operates based on its algorithms.
  • Reasoning; This part of AI programming determines which algorithm should be run for what purpose.
  • Modification; This part of the written program detects the errors of the algorithms and focuses on providing the most accurate answers every time it is used.
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Artificial intelligence training uses Python, R, JavaScript, and other programming languages.

Strong or weak artificial intelligence

But what is meant by strong and weak in artificial intelligence? In this section, we will answer this question.

What is strong AI?

Strong AI is a machine that can work on issues or problems for which it has not been trained or programmed. This technology has made artificial intelligence more and more like a human who can deal with any situation in a moment. This branch of AI is called Artificial General Intelligence, or AGI for short.

In short, the main goal of AGI is to replicate and simulate the cognitive capabilities of the human brain. The brain’s cognitive abilities are based on fuzzy logic and are used to transfer problem-solving knowledge from one field to another. You must be asking, what is the criterion for the strength of an artificial intelligence machine? In theory, scientists assume that a device can be considered a strong AI if it can pass the Turing Test and the Chinese Room. These two tests are designed to evaluate the level and strength of artificial intelligence of computers and their algorithms.

Strong AI should now only be seen in sci-fi characters like Data in Star Track. Scientists in the laboratory have reached limited conclusions about this technology.
But like many technologies we use today, they hope that strong AI will become a reality one day. Many are also concerned about the uncontrollable results of applying machines that could happen if the technology is successfully fully implemented.

What is weak AI?

But what is the weak type of artificial intelligence? Today, every use of artificial intelligence has been related to this field. This branch is also called Narrow AI and Specialized AI. Weak AI refers to applying this technology in a specific addition of technology, industry, medicine, or any other field.

A machine with weak artificial intelligence can only simulate the human mind with a specific skill, challenge, or issue and model it based on its algorithms. Examples of weak artificial intelligence include:

  • Siri and Alexa, and all intelligent assistants
  • Self-driving cars
  • Google search
  • Conversational bots
  • Email spam filters
  • Recommenders of content on social networks such as YouTube and Google

Machine learning and deep learning are two critical elements of artificial intelligence.

Machine learning and deep learning are two essential conceptual and technological elements of artificial intelligence. While many use them interchangeably, their nature and function are different. In this section, we introduce these two elements.

The meaning of machine learning in artificial intelligence

What is meant by machine learning in artificial intelligence? Machine learning is a process in which an algorithm’s data is fed by computer and statistical techniques. The purpose of this work is to help learn and gradually improve the performance of the algorithm. This algorithm is not necessarily programmed to do a specific task, But through this mechanism, he can slowly learn the process.

A machine learning algorithm is called ML for short. This algorithm uses previous and structured data to predict its output values. Based on this, the learning machine itself is divided into the following two types:

Supervised learning, where the results are based on labeled or structured input data.
Unsupervised learning in which unlabeled or unstructured data is used. The results of this algorithm are unpredictable.

The meaning of deep learning in artificial intelligence

But what is the meaning of deep learning in artificial intelligence? This algorithm is a type of machine learning algorithm that executes its input data inspired by neural network models of living organisms. These models are copied from biology. In a neural network, there are multiple layers (at least three layers). Each of these layers can be input or output. Their final task is to process data at different levels. This mechanism allows the algorithm to learn the desired pattern more deeply.

A deep artificial intelligence company tries to reduce the need for human intervention and supervision by applying deep learning to its algorithms. This algorithm has more automatic features than machine learning and enables the processing of more extensive data. This way, this deep learning can be considered a type of scalable machine learning.

Deep learning also has excellent power in processing raw unstructured data such as images and texts. Such a system can classify this type of data easily and more accurately and quickly by using the hierarchical features defined for it.

Types of artificial intelligence machines

Since 2016, based on the proposal of Arend Hintze, a professor at Michigan State University in biology, computer science, and engineering, artificial intelligence machines have been divided into four categories. This category provides more details about the type and complexity of tasks of an AI system. In the following, we will examine the types of artificial intelligence based on this.

Reactive Machine

What is a reactive machine in artificial intelligence? This system uses the most basic concepts of artificial intelligence. As the title of this Machine suggests, it can only use its algorithms to understand and interact. A reactive Machine has no memory and cannot store information. Therefore, the use of past data for future modeling is excluded.

Reactive or reactive machines are designed to perform specific tasks. The limitation of their performance and perception makes the results of their algorithms more reliable.

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Limited memory machine

A limited memory artificial intelligence machine can store previous data and predictions. The information during the modeling and presentation of the results in the subsequent execution of the algorithms comes to the aid of the system and makes its effects more accurate. The purpose of designing such a system is to obtain limited predictions about the results according to past data.

A limited memory artificial intelligence system is built by growing and training a model to analyze and use new data. In this way, the model in question will have more automatic performance capabilities than reactive machines.

If you are asking how to build a limited-memory artificial intelligence machine? We should refer to the following steps:

  • Generating training data to provide to the machine
  • Machine learning model programming
  • Testing and ensuring the predictive ability of the model
  • Ensuring the model’s ability to receive human and environmental feedback
  • Storing human and environmental feedback as data
  • Cyclic repetition of the previous five steps

Machine theory of mind

The Theory of the Mind machine is still at the limit of Theory, and humanity still needs to achieve the necessary abilities to flourish its potential. This Theory is based on a primary psychological hypothesis that states that the thoughts and feelings of others can influence a person’s behavior.

Based on this, researchers are trying to build a machine to understand the feelings or meaning of living beings and other devices. This machine makes decisions and acts on this information through self-reflection. Therefore, with the invention of the Theory of the mind machine, real-time sensory communication will be established between the human mind and artificial intelligence.

self-awareness machine

We often hear the word self-awareness in psychology and humanities, But what does it mean in artificial intelligence? , it should be said that the emergence of this machine depends on the emergence of the theory of mind artificial intelligence machine. Artificial intelligence machine self-awareness is currently considered the ultimate advancement of this technology. The level of consciousness of such a machine is at the story of a human being, and it is aware of its existence in the world, the presence of others, and its emotional and mental state.

Ideally, a self-aware machine can understand the needs of others not only through input; but Rather based on the type of behavior, facial expression, tone of voice, and in general, their way of communicating. The requirement for progress in this field is, first of all, to understand the mechanism of consciousness and self-awareness in humans. An area that still has many unknowns for scientists. After that, it is necessary to design models to repeat and implement the self-awareness process in the artificial intelligence machine.

Examples of applications and several companies of artificial intelligence

As you have noticed by now, artificial intelligence is on its way. Some of its goals and aspects have been realized, and others are still in the theoretical stage. Currently, many fake intelligence companies are operating with different products. To better understand the current situation of this technology and its applications, we will examine examples of it.


JPT Chatbot is a bot developed with artificial intelligence, capable of generating written content in various formats. These formats range from articles to programming codes and answers to simple questions. Fake intelligence company OpenAI produced this product in November 2022 using a language model capable of excellently imitating human-written texts.

Google map

If you ask, what is the relationship between Google Maps and artificial intelligence? We have to say everything! Google Maps is one of the most well-known software products developed with artificial intelligence. Google Maps are compiled based on data collected from the location of smartphones as well as data reported by users themselves. Road traffic conditions, accidents, and temporary road closures are examples of this data. Google Maps uses artificial intelligence that can provide you with the fastest and shortest route, the approximate time of your arrival at the place, and other details.

Smart assistants

We also mentioned Smart Assistants in the previous sections of the article. Siri, Alexa, and Cortana (owned by Microsoft) are the most famous in this industry. But what is their relationship with artificial intelligence? These devices use Natural Language Processing (NPL) artificial intelligence algorithms to receive user voice instructions. Their services include reminders, online information searches, and ambient light control. The artificial intelligence of intelligent assistants can improve their performance and provide better suggestions by storing previous information and modeling user preferences.

Snapchat filters

As you know, Snapchat is a messaging application and social network through which you can send images, videos, and text messages. The main feature of this application is the disappearance of messages after being viewed by the recipient. Snapchat uses machine learning algorithms to distinguish between the image subject (the desired image message) and the background. This feature is called a Snapchat filter.

Self-driving cars

What is the Role of artificial intelligence in a self-driving car? In this industry, AI is versatile. Such a car uses deep learning algorithms to identify objects and vehicles around, determine the safe distance and required speed, recognize the route, recognize traffic signs, etc. For example, in some General Motors products, the Autopilot feature in Tesla cars and Super Cruise use artificial intelligence.

Wearable gadgets

Today, sensors and wearable digital devices are widely used daily, especially with medical applications. They can report your blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar, and other health-related features. These devices derive their reports using your previous medical data collected by the technology.

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The Role of artificial intelligence in Learning

One of the most critical applications of AI is in the education industry. In recent years, this technology has realized personalized, fast, attractive, interactive, and multi-dimensional education more and more and has shown its potential, especially in the era of Corona. Currently, many artificial intelligence companies focusing on its education applications are active worldwide and even receive government funds. Their goal is to improve the education experience for the organization, the instructor, and the audience from financial, scientific, and other aspects. In the following, we examine the Role of artificial intelligence in learning by reading five essential factors.

Personalized training

One of the most important problems of education is the similarity of the learning method and environment for all learners. This is because each person’s brain has different learning patterns and habits. If you ask what is the benefit of artificial intelligence in this field? AI machines receive interests, abilities, preferences, and other information about learners and personalize their learning process. A leading example of the application of AI in education is the national education project in Estonia.

Teacher Education

Another application of artificial intelligence is in the teacher’s learning, teaching, and scientific, managerial, and personal development. This a challenge that education has always faced and is considered one of the reasons for its quality decline. AI technology can lead to the development of computer networks and the Internet so that teachers can be aware of new ways of learning and always move on the scientific edge of their educational field.

Remove the training time limit

With the help of AI, learning will no longer be limited to classroom hours. For example, using chatbots, students can ask the artificial intelligence system scientific questions and questions related to education administration. In this way, the speed and quality of learning are increased, and the cost and time of the teacher and the educational institution are also saved.

Automation of educational affairs

Surveys show that school teachers in developed countries spend about 30% of their time on administrative tasks. These issues include training planning, grading, attendance, etc. It is clear what is the benefit of artificial intelligence in this regard. These things can be done automatically with the help of artificial intelligence. This industry can even come to the aid of correcting tests and checking students’ assignments.

Smart content production

Especially in virtual education, the Role of content is very prominent. The Role of artificial intelligence in online and even face-to-face learning starts from helping to produce attractive and fast educational content and continues to create complex study environments. Many educational software uses AI to generate their content. Duolingo virtual language training software is one of them. The production and design of digital courses, study guides, exercises, and tests can also be done quickly with the help of AI algorithms.

What are the benefits of artificial intelligence?

In many fields, artificial intelligence has brought the realization of long-standing human dreams closer to reality. The huge budgets spent on it in the last few years are proof of this. Among essential advantages of this technology, the following can be mentioned:

  • The ability to process a large amount of information in a very short time
  • Processing and concluding reports with much higher accuracy than any other machine and technology
  • Very high predictive ability
  • Facilitating daily life and global development of human well-being
  • Contribute to the transparency of information

For example, in the banking industry, more than half of financial services companies currently use artificial intelligence to manage assets, generate income and reduce investment risk. Artificial intelligence will significantly reduce their costs in these areas. In the medical industry, AI has found many applications in discovering and developing vaccines, more accurate diagnoses of diseases, and developing health policies. Media and social network platforms also use artificial intelligence to prevent plagiarism and improve graphic features.

general admission; The most critical challenge of artificial intelligence

If you ask, what is the most critical challenge of artificial intelligence? We must say fear! In addition to the technical, financial, and scientific challenges of AI, this technology is facing the challenge of public acceptance. The results of various surveys, especially in America, show that 30 to 40 percent of people are pessimistic about this technology. Many of them even believe that AI can destroy humanity.

About 45% of people participating in surveys also have concerns about the future of artificial intelligence. The public concern about replacing robots with humans in doing work, the increase in the unemployment rate, and the unfortunate results caused by errors in the development of this technology, especially in medicine and automobiles, are some challenges facing every artificial intelligence company.

The future of artificial intelligence

According to the explanations provided, the essential and general question is, what is the Role of artificial intelligence in human societies? The infrastructure and computational, operational, and research costs necessary to fully realize the goals of artificial intelligence have yet to be fully provided. However, the progress of this industry in the 2010s and the beginning of the 2020s shows that the speed of AI development in recent years has been even better than Moore’s Law. A law that has been used in evaluating and predicting the progress of technological industries says that the number of transistors on a chip doubles on average every two years. For this reason, artificial intelligence predictions indicate its full flowering before 2030. What happened to the Internet in the last ten years?

A final word about AI

What is artificial intelligence? This was the question that we tried to answer in this article thoroughly. Artificial Intelligence is one of the leading technologies in our world today. This technology tries to understand and respond to human behavior by designing and developing machine learning algorithms. Ideally, AI-developed machines can behave like humans and even understand and imitate their moods and emotions.

Artificial intelligence is already present in many of us, and the signs of its presence can be seen in mobile phones, education, medicine, and other industries. Despite the existing challenges and concerns, most experts consider the future of artificial intelligence to be bright and comparable to the position of the Internet in today’s world.

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