
Telegram, used by many users, was first introduced in 2013. With the day-by-day progress and weekly updates, this company made Telegram a powerful messaging software that is one of the best messengers available on the Internet today. And millions of people use it. In this article, we are trying to address this software’s most valuable and efficient settings. If you have Telegram installed and use it, we suggest you read this article carefully to become a professional. Become!

Toggle message preview on and off

Message preview is a valuable function, but if someone is sitting next to you or working with your phone, they can see the messages sent to you! To avoid this, go to Settings and follow the steps below.


LED color settings

With this tool, you can set a separate color for each of your contacts so that when the contact sends you a message, the phone screen will be shown in the color you want. For this, go to the contact details section and follow the steps below.

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Media download management

Telegram software allows you to send any media, including images, videos, or music, up to 2 gigabytes in size, and it is possible to send large files to you. Still, you don’t want them to be Telegram will automatically download any file sent to you and increase your internet usage. For this purpose, you can disable automatic download in the settings that can be seen in the photo.


Message popup settings

The popup allows the possibility that when someone sends you a message, it will be displayed on the top of your screen, and you can reply to the contact without logging into Telegram. You can enter the settings section of this Enable or disable the option.

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Destruction of messages in Secret Chats

With this feature, you can set a timer for the messages in the Secret Chat section so that the news will disappear at the specified time!


Last Seen settings

In this section, you put some contacts in exception mode in the Last Seen mode. So that anyone who is added to the list will see you online. telegram-messenger-app-tricks-last-seen-exception

Message Search

It could have happened to you that you are looking for a phone number or a name in many messages. Using this section, you can search for the desired text.


Lock messages

Like many other messengers, Telegram can lock messages. You can use these settings to ensure no one reads your messages without permission. Go to the settings section and follow the steps.


Account Security

Telegram is a messenger that allows users to work with one user account on several devices. So that you can go online with a mobile phone and a computer at the same time and continue chatting. Now, to ensure who And with what device it is in your user account, go to the settings, enter the Privacy and Security section, and click on the Active Sessions option.

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To further protect your user account, you can activate the Two-Step Verification option in the Privacy and Security section so that if someone attempts to log into your account, an SMS containing a code will be sent to you until you enter the transmitted code. Not possible to the user account.


Add sticker

Nowadays, many people are interested in stickers, and this group of people can get free and beautiful stickers by entering this @Stickers robot and adding them to themselves. Click on the sent sticker and click on the Add Stickers option. Do.


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